Thursday, July 15, 2010

Stuff You Don't Know (or maybe you do)

Alright, my plan is with this is to post interesting facts that we all (im sure?) find interesting. Also I think we can learn stuff from these new posts. Entertaining yet informative. Party on.

1)Nanook is the Eskimo word for the Polar Bear
2)Eleven uppercase letters in the English alphabet are identical to their mirror image.
3)Alaska, Hawai'i, California and Washington all have active volcanoes.
4)Finland contains 60.000 lakes and has at least 30.000 islands off its shores.
5)Goulash is the specialty dish in Hungary.
6)Geneva, Switzerland, is the derivitive for the name of the drink GIN.
7)Not only being the saltiest bastard on earth, The Dead Sea also has the earth's lowest inland elevation point.
8)Merida, Mexico has over 20.000 windmills.
9)Andrew Jackson was the founder of the Democratic party in the U.S.
10)Plato Wrote and passed down the thoughts of Socrates.
11)Driving at 60MPH, it would take a little more than 176 years to travel the 93.000.000 miles to reach the sun.
12)If you were to drain all the water on earth, Hawai'i would have the tallest mountain measured from top to bottom.
13)Bernard Webb is Paul McCartney's pseudonym.
14)While he was president, Frankin Roosevelt always kept a GUN under his pillow.

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